If you run a business, you are more than likely dealing with some sort of personal data. The way you need to handle this data is changing with the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into force on 25 May 2018.

These new regulations affect businesses of every size and sector, so there are things you need to do to get your business ready.

New powers could mean fines of up to 4% of global turnover, or £17m, can be levied on non-compliant organisations, so we’re encouraging all of our Registered Firms, to be prepared.

Further information can also be found at

ICO - Privacy Notice Checklist


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ICO Privacy Notice Transparency and Control


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SSAIB Privacy Notice for Home Owners


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GDPR Self Assessment Toolkit

A self assessment toolkit has been created with small organisations in mind. It will be most helpful to small to medium sized organisations from the private, public and third sectors. Please visit

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